Happy New Year, delicious world!
With the holidays dinners and parties tucked under the belt, now is the time that lots of people swear that this year they’ll lose those extra ____ pounds that they’ve gained over the past few holidays… And to do this, they go on a “[insert silly name] diet”.
With the holidays dinners and parties tucked under the belt, now is the time that lots of people swear that this year they’ll lose those extra ____ pounds that they’ve gained over the past few holidays… And to do this, they go on a “[insert silly name] diet”.
Diet. That’s such a dirty word. To me, the concept of dieting is that when someone temporarily deprives herself/himself of some food group, only to give in and binge on that edible contraband a couple months later. Diets never last and usually only end in guilt down the road. But hey. I get it, friends! I’ve been there too. I took a look at the scale, and I wasn’t exactly thrilled at what I saw. Then after trying all those futile diets, I decided to adopt a longer term solution by tweaking my overall foodie lifestyle. |
I’m not a doctor, but in my line of work I get to come in contact with a lot of cool nutritionists, athletic trainers, and other credible folks. After lots of brain-picking questions and research on a healthier food lifestyle, I’ve boiled down my learnings to three philosophies that have worked for me and, I think, can work for anyone – even the passionate foodie.